Georgian language abroad

Professor Karina Vamling; Malmö University, has been awarded for her “Contribution to the promotion of the Georgian Language abroad”. From the ceremony at the Biltmore hotel, Tbilisi, on December 26, 2019, together with Ambassador Malkhaz Kakabadze (center; Georgia’s Ambasssador to Sweden) and Professor Merab Chukhua.

Meeting with Kartvelian experts in Batumi

Revaz Tchantouria, Section for Caucasus Studies (Malmö University) had meetings with Prof. Mamia Paghava (to the left), Head of Department of Kartvelian Studies at Batumi State University, and with Dr. Omar Memishishi (below, to the right), a prominent expert on Chan and also a native speaker  of the language. Chan is  closely related to Megrelian and is mainly spoken close to Batumi in the village of Sarpi on the border to Turkey. Among other things, Dr. Memishishi has collected and published a number of Chan texts.



Meetings at Ilia State University

Prof Karina Vamling, Caucasus Studies (Malmö University) had two meetings with colleagues at Ilia State University during her visit to Tbilisi.

Prof Nino Doborjginidze, Director of the Institute of Linguistic Studies and Dr. Irina Lobzhanidze showed the Georgian language corpus:

Digital humanities is a profile of the University, and this was also one of the topics discussed at the meeting with Prof. Oliver Reisner.



Meeting at Oslo University: Bibliotheca Polyglotta

Professor Jens Erland Braarvig (right), Dept. of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages  at Oslo University demonstrated his ongoing project Bibliotheca Polyglotta to Karina Vamling and Revaz Tchantouria, Caucasus Studies, Malmö University. The database includes a large number of parallel religious and other texts and can be searched and read in various ways.

The two ancient literary languages of the Caucasus, Armenian and Georgian, are of particular interest here, as many antique and medieval texts were translated into these languages and in some cases the originals were subsequently lost.

Old Armenian texts are already well represented in the database and the inclusion of Georgian texts is in the planning phase, which was one of the topics discussed during this informal meeting.

The database Bibliotheca Polyglotta is open and can be accessed at:

Photo to the right: From Dionysius Thrax: Grammar


Participating in conference on MOOCs, Informal Language Learning and Mobility

img_0789The project on Mobile language learning has its first presentation on the International Conference MOOCs, Informal Language Learning and Mobility, Octobder 20-21, Milton Keynes, UK. Daniel Spikol (Department of  Media Technolog and Product Development, Malmö University) and Maria Wiktorsson (Department of Language and Linguistics, Malmö University), represent the research group with a poster presentation, entitled Investigating mobile language learning tools for supporting asylum seekers

Find the programme here:



På Tisus-konferens i Umeå



Medarbetarna inom svenska som andraspråk på Institutionen för språkstudier (SPS), Malmö högskola, besöker Tisus-konferens i Umeå.
På fotot till vänster: Christina Waern och Staffan Eriksson.



Erfarenhetsutbyte med kolleger från olika lärosäten – representanter från Stockholm, Umeå och Linköping (nedan):



Anna Sibinovic håller presentation vid FACE

face-2930-juni-och-1-juli-2016-belfast1Anna Sibinovic höll en presentation om hur högskolor och universitet i Sverige kan ta till vara nyanlända akademikers kompetens: Relational pedagogy – Swedish for Immigrants within Higher Education vid The Forum for Access and Continuing Education’s (FACE) Annual Conference in 2016, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 29 juni – 1 juli 2016.

Konferensen innehöll fyra teman:
  • Partnerships – Engaging communities and embracing the private sector
  • Lifelong Learning – Creating realistic and inspiring opportunities within the workforce
  • Internationalization – Working together to create opportunities for all
  • Student experience – Quality, equity and consistency


Malmös språkliga landskap

Malmös språkliga landskap – SPS Showroom på invigningen av Niagara 16 oktober.  Den urbana miljön är inte bara en produkt av arkitektur och design. Social interaktion och kommunikation är en viktig del i stadsmiljön – och språken är givetvis centrala här. Storstäder är en speciell miljö när det gäller kontaktytor mellan olika språk. Hur påverkas stadsutvecklingen av det faktum att Malmö är en mångspråkig stad? Vad vet du om den språkliga mångfalden i Malmö?

!nternationellt breddad rekryterings-seminarium

!nternationellt breddad rekryterings-seminarium hölls den 27 maj. Seminariet inleddes med ett samtal om det förnyade fokus breddad rekrytering fått nationellt och Malmö högskolas roll i det sammanhanget. Därefter presenterade John Storan, gästprofessor (SPS)  i breddad rekrytering från University of East London, tillsammans med Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries, Program Director från University of Central Florida, det arbete med breddad rekrytering till forskarnivå som bedrivs vid deras universitet, lokalt och i samarbete universiteten emellan.

Patricia Staaf lägger fram licentiatavhandling i svenska som andraspråk

impastVid licentiatseminariet i svenska språket, Linnéuniversitetet, lägger Patricia Staaf den 21 maj fram sin licentiatuppsats med titeln  Som man frågar får man svar. Andraspråksstudenter möter lärares krav i hemtentor.
Länk till fulltext och sammanfattning

Opponent är universitetslektor Gunlög Sundberg, Stockholms universitet och ordförande professor Gunilla Byrman, Linnéuniversitetet.