Thank you to all presenters and participants at the conference “Linguistic Dominance and Inequality” for great papers and very stimulating discussions! The conference was hosted by the Department of Language and Linguistics, Malmö University, November 15-16, 2017.
Read the abstracts here.
Photos: Karina Vamling & Elnur Aliyev
- Prof Gisela Håkansson: Multilingualism in the Swedish educational system – a challenge for the 21st century
- Maria Wiktorsson, SPS
- During the discussion – Robert Phillipson, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Lena Ekberg
- Prof Björn Melander: A complete language, serving and uniting our society” – Swedish reactions to global English
- Prof Robert Phillipson: Reducing English to equality in European higher education
- Prof. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
- Aisara Yessenova: Language Training Programmes for students from immigrant backgrounds: Language-As- Problem, Language-As-Right, and Language-As-Resource
- Beatrice K.C.Obwoge: Linguistic Dominance exhibited by Ekerogoro over Ekemaate Dialects of EkeGusii: A Bantu Language of Kenya
- Elnur Aliyev: Budukh language: endangerment and solution
- Morning session
- Elnur Aliyev
- Alex Baratta: Developing a standard accent(s) for teaching in Britain
- Ahmed Kabel: Enduring linguistic hierarchies: neoliberal multilingualisms and the linguistic and epistemic hegemony of ‘global’ English
- Jelena Simunovic Poluga: Influence of English in Serbian popular psychology literature translations
- Dr. Stafania Marzo: How we speak Cités. From ethnolect to urban vernacular and back again
- Panel discussion: Multilingualism – challenge or resource?
- Prof Jean Hudson, moderator
- Beata Engels Andersson, City of Malmö, and Dr Pia Quist
- Maria Wiktorsson and Mustafa Coban
- Francis Hult and Björn Melander
- Comments from Pia Quist
- Comments from Robert Phillipson
- Notes from the panel discussion: Multilingualism – challenge or resource?