John Storan honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society

Prof John Storan, University of East London, – and also guest professor at the Department of Language and Linguistics – will be promoted to honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, on October 21.

Read more about John Storan and his work on widening participation:…/Profil-inom-breddad-rekrytering-lyfts-fram…/
Promotor is Jean Hudson, professor of English linguistics.

Watch the ceremony LIVE, starting at 4 pm, October 21; follow the link below

Participating in conference on MOOCs, Informal Language Learning and Mobility

img_0789The project on Mobile language learning has its first presentation on the International Conference MOOCs, Informal Language Learning and Mobility, Octobder 20-21, Milton Keynes, UK. Daniel Spikol (Department of  Media Technolog and Product Development, Malmö University) and Maria Wiktorsson (Department of Language and Linguistics, Malmö University), represent the research group with a poster presentation, entitled Investigating mobile language learning tools for supporting asylum seekers

Find the programme here:



På Tisus-konferens i Umeå



Medarbetarna inom svenska som andraspråk på Institutionen för språkstudier (SPS), Malmö högskola, besöker Tisus-konferens i Umeå.
På fotot till vänster: Christina Waern och Staffan Eriksson.



Erfarenhetsutbyte med kolleger från olika lärosäten – representanter från Stockholm, Umeå och Linköping (nedan):



Mobile learning – work in progress

img_0982Research in the pilot project on mobile language learning is based on a cross-disciplinary team. Participants from the Department of Language and Linguistics (Malmö University) are Maria Wiktorsson, Teresa Tomasevic, Karina Vamling and Christina Waern and from the Department of Media Technology and Product Development (Malmö University) are Daniel Spikol, Nils Ehrenberg, Miklas Njor and Bahtijar Vogel.

The research group also includes professor Giselsa Håkansson, specializing in (second) language acquisition, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Sweden/Faculty of Education, University College Halden, Norway, and Mechtild Tronnier, also from Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.img_0775

The first project presentation will be held at International Conference MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility, 20 – 21st October 2016, Milton Keynes, UK.



Anna Sibinovic håller presentation vid FACE

face-2930-juni-och-1-juli-2016-belfast1Anna Sibinovic höll en presentation om hur högskolor och universitet i Sverige kan ta till vara nyanlända akademikers kompetens: Relational pedagogy – Swedish for Immigrants within Higher Education vid The Forum for Access and Continuing Education’s (FACE) Annual Conference in 2016, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 29 juni – 1 juli 2016.

Konferensen innehöll fyra teman:
  • Partnerships – Engaging communities and embracing the private sector
  • Lifelong Learning – Creating realistic and inspiring opportunities within the workforce
  • Internationalization – Working together to create opportunities for all
  • Student experience – Quality, equity and consistency


Funding for pilot project on mobile language learning

The Department of Language and Linguistics has been granted funding for a pilot project on mobile language learning in cooperation with the Department of Media Technology and Product Development. The project is funded by Malmö University Initiative for refugee research.

The unusually high number of asylum seekers to Sweden has resulted in very delayed asylum application processes, leaving people waiting in asylum centres for more than a year, to a large extent without any introductory instruction in Swedish. The aim of this pilot project explore ways to make effective use of mobile applications as a learning platform for individual language learning.

Read more:

Manana Kobaidze översätter poesi från georgiska

IMG_2058Lia Liqokeli är en ung georgisk poet, som nu kan läsas på svenska tack vare översättarna Manana Kock Kobaidze (bilden) och Kristian Carlsson. Boken Så skrattade jättens fru kom ut i slutet av 2015 på Smockadoll förlag.

Verket presenteras och recenseras i webbtidskriften Tidningen Kulturen

Georgia Today uppmärksammar den svensk-georgiska kulturhändelsen: Modern Georgian Writer Admired by Swedish Critics

Malmös språkliga landskap

Malmös språkliga landskap – SPS Showroom på invigningen av Niagara 16 oktober.  Den urbana miljön är inte bara en produkt av arkitektur och design. Social interaktion och kommunikation är en viktig del i stadsmiljön – och språken är givetvis centrala här. Storstäder är en speciell miljö när det gäller kontaktytor mellan olika språk. Hur påverkas stadsutvecklingen av det faktum att Malmö är en mångspråkig stad? Vad vet du om den språkliga mångfalden i Malmö?

Öppna föreläsningar i svenska språket

Institutionen för språkstudier arrangerar öppna föreläsningar i svenska språket. IMG_0340IMG_0344

  • Jeanna Wennerberg och Vendela Blomstrand  talar om sin nyutgivna bok Akademiskt läsande och skrivande.
  • Ingegerd Enström, universitetslektor vid Institutionen för svenska språket vid Göteborgs universitet: ”Stötestenar i svenskans ordförråd”

Mer information

Och kvällsprogrammet… första festen på Niagara, våning 11



Laz language in focus

IMG_1257IMG_1263Laz was in focus at today’s web & campus seminar on Caucasian languages in Turkey with visiting researcher Betul Emgin Cogal (Bilgi University, Istanbul). Betul has conducted field research with Laz communities in north-eastern Turkey.

Below – after the seminar: Staff, visiting researchers and some of our students at Caucasus Studies
