‘Feminist Killjoy’ Sara Ahmed to be appointed new honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society

Academia is in desperate need of a transformation, says popular feminist scholar. 

Internationally renowned for her writing on gender and race, Ahmed resigned as Director for Feminist Research at Goldsmiths as “an act of loyalty to feminism”. Today, she describes her relationship to academia as ambivalent. Nonetheless, she is set to be inaugurated as an honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society on October 18. 

“I left my post as a protest against the failure to address sexual harassment as an institutional problem. I understood the act of resignation as departure – not just from that specific institution but also from academia as such,” says Ahmed.

Despite her vocal criticism towards the way academic institutions exclude women and people of colour, Ahmed remains committed to transforming higher education. To “ways of teaching and learning that are about reaching those who are not assumed to belong here and who have had to fight hard to get here.”

“Feminism does not begin or end at the academy,” she explains. “I think of myself as still working on universities even if I am no longer working at one.”

Her latest study, which she will discuss at a public lecture on October 17, deals with complaints of racism and misogyny at higher education institutions. Ahmed has pointed out that although universities like to brandish terms like diversity and inclusion, they often don’t follow through on their own policies.

“One of the women of colour in my complaint project described her university as a revolving door: women, black and minority ethnic staff enter only to head right out again. You can be kept out by what you find out when you get in. We need to change the structures: it is not about being included in the existing structures.”

Part of the motivation for Ahmed’s appointment is the hope that her strong feminist and anti-racist voice will bring exciting new ideas to the University’s commitment of ‘widening recruitment’. 

Ahmed has been influential to generations of critical scholars, including many doctoral students and young scholars at our faculty. We are very proud to be able to welcome her as an honorary doctor,” says Rebecka Lettevall, Dean at the Faculty of Culture and Society. 

Ahmed’s concept of the ‘feminist killjoy’— someone who refuses to be silent and avoid discomfort in moments of inequality — is especially a source of inspiration to many younger scholars and activists. 

“When I was first writing and speaking about killjoys, I was really struck by how younger generations ‘got it’, got what this figure was doing, what she has to teach us. I have learnt so much from the activism of younger generations; from how willing they are to name structural problems, to talk about capitalist patriarchy, white supremacy and so on. I find that deeply encouraging,” says Ahmed. 

“It has been a joy to have my work translated into Swedish and to come and present my work here. I have also been glad to have the opportunity to speak to feminists and queers of colour in Sweden. You are here; I hear you!”

Perhaps one of the key reasons why Ahmed’s research resonates so widely is the way in which it bridges theory with real life experiences.  

“As a young brown girl, taught in Australia and the UK, I was only ever taught by white teachers. I was tutored in whiteness. When I read work by black feminist writers such as Audre Lorde it changed everything. Here was theory that was generated from experience. Here was theory that was also poetic; that founds in words the potential to make new senses of ourselves, our worlds. Feminism is about changing words and worlds.”

With her hopefulness for the future of both feminism and academia, Ahmed emphasises the need for feminists to reach out to one another in solidarity.

“The more you challenge structures, the more support you need. My top tip for feminist killjoys is: find other feminist killjoys!”

Ahmed will be giving a public lecture at the University on October 17.

Sign up to the Annual Academic Celebration

Read Sara Ahmed’s blog feminist killjoys

New professor: Ann Light

Congratulations to Ann Light, new professor at The School of Arts and Communication (K3), who was celebrated at an mingle event this week.

Sparkling drinks and fruit cocktails were served and Dean Rebecka Lettevall, Pro dean Magnus Nilsson and Head of School of Arts and Communication (K3) Sara Bjärstorp held speeches.

Ann Light will give her inauguration lecture during Malmö University’s Annual Academic Celebration Week in October, more information to follow at mau.se/ceremony.

Read more about Ann Light: Ny professor i interaktionsdesign vill påverka, Designing a sustainable future

Johan Farkas om påverkanskampanjer i danska valet

Johan Farkas är doktorand i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Hans avhandling utforskar nya former av dold propaganda i digitala medier. I samband med det danska valet var han flitigt anlitad och hänvisad till som expertkommentator angående påverkanskampanjer.

Läs mer om Johan Farkas

Johan Farkas i danska medier:

Ekspert: Målet for påvirkningskampagner er ikke at få valgt én bestemt kandidat, Mandag Morgen

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 Facebook smider den alternative netavis 24nyt på porten. DR Nyheder

 Facebook: 24nyt er smidt ud på grund af ‘ikke-autentisk adfærd’. DR Nyheder

Välkommen att nominera er kandidat till årets utmärkelse för samverkan! /Nominate your candidate for Malmö University’s Award for Collaboration

Medarbetare och studenter kan nu nominera tillsvidareanställda vid Malmö universitet till årets utmärkelse för samverkan. Med samverkan avses samarbete med minst en aktör utanför högskolesektorn, en så kallad icke-akademisk aktör inom till exempel privat, offentlig, idéburen sektor och/eller medborgare.

Om utmärkelsen
Syftet med utmärkelsen är att uppmuntra till utvecklad samverkan, nyttiggörande och innovation, genom att belöna insatser som utifrån ett flervetenskapligt arbetssätt och genom ny kunskap, förståelse och lösningar har bidragit till en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Den belönade insatsen bör också ha bidragit till att utveckla och stärka samverkans-, nyttiggörande- och innovationspräglad utbildning och/eller forskning vid Malmö universitet.

Den belönade insatsen bör därtill ha profilerat och uppmärksammat Malmö universitet som aktör i samverkan. Syftet med utmärkelsen är vidare att personligen uppmärksamma mottagaren och dennes akademiska gärning med fokus på samverkan, nyttiggörande och innovation.
Utmärkelsen består av ett diplom samt en summa på 25 000 kr. Om utmärkelsen delas ut till flera mottagare eller till en grupp kan den totala summan uppgå till 50 000 kr. Utmärkelsen ska ge möjlighet till professionell utveckling inom samverkans-, nyttiggörande och innovationsområdet eller andra samverkansfrämjande aktiviteter.

Så utses mottagaren
Rektor utser mottagaren av utmärkelsen för samverkan efter konsultation med och på rekommendation av Rådet för samverkan. I detta råd ingår bland annat representanter från varje fakultet. För att nomineringen ska kunna erhålla en komplett poängbedömning är det viktigt att varje kriterium noggrant motiveras.

Sista dag för nominering är söndagen den 1 september 2019.

Kriterier för utmärkelsen:
• Samverkans-, nyttiggörande- och innovationsinsatsen har bidragit till ny kunskap, förståelse och lösningar på viktiga samhällsfrågor eller utmaningar.
• Samverkans-, nyttiggörande- och innovationsinsatsen har bidragit till att utveckla och stärka Malmö universitets utbildning och/eller forskning.
• Samverkans-, nyttiggörande- och innovationsinsatsen har profilerat och uppmärksammat Malmö universitet som aktör i samverkan.
• Samverkans-, nyttiggörande- och innovationsinsatsen har rymt inslag av flervetenskapligt, gränsöverskridande samarbete med minst en aktör utanför högskolesystemet, så kallad icke akademisk aktör inom till exempel privat, offentlig, idéburen sektor och/eller medborgare. etc

Endast tillsvidareanställda vid Malmö universitet kan nomineras och erhålla utmärkelsen.

Nominera här

Nominate your candidate for Malmö University’s Award for Collaboration

Students and employees are invited to nominate permanently employed members of the staff for the 2019 Award for Collaboration. Collaboration, in this case, refers to cooperation with at least one partner outside academia, for instance a representative from the private, public or non-profit sector and/or the citizens.

About the award
The purpose of the award is to encourage the advancement of collaboration, utilisation and innovation by rewarding initiatives that, through a multi-disciplinary approach and promotion of knowledge, understanding and solutions, have contributed to sustainable societal development. The rewarded initiative should further ideally have contributed to the development and strengthening of collaboration, utilisation and innovation oriented education and/or research. Additionally, the rewarded initiative should also have contributed to promoting Malmö University as a valuable collaboration partner. Moreover, the purpose of the award is to acknowledge the recipient personally and his/hers academic achievements from the perspective of collaboration, utilisation and innovation.

The recipient will receive a diploma and 25,000 SEK. If the award is given to more than one recipient, or to a group, the total sum can amount to 50,000 SEK. The recipient of the award must have a permanent position at Malmö University. The award should provide the recipient with the opportunity for professional development within the fields of collaboration, utilisation and innovation.

Appointment process
The Vice-Chancellor appoints the recipient of the award after consultations with the Council for Collaboration. The Council comprises of representatives from all faculties at Malmö University.

The deadline for nominating candidates for the 2019 Award for Collaboration is September 1, 2019.

Please observe that each criteria must be properly motivated if the nominee is to be assessed.
• The collaboration, utilisation and innovation initiative has contributed to new knowledge, understanding of and solutions to societal challenges.
• The collaboration, utilisation and innovation initiative has contributed to develop and strengthen the education and/or research at Malmö University.
• The collaboration, utilisation and innovation initiative has promoted Malmö University as an important collaboration partner.
• The collaboration, utilisation and innovation initiative has included elements of multidisciplinary, cross-border collaboration with at least one partner outside academia, i.e. cooperation with a non-academic actor representing the private, public or civil society sector and/or the citizens.

Nominate here

Forskarporträtt av Sylwia Lindqvist

Centrum för fastighetsföretagandes nyhetsbrev presenterar Sylwia Lindqvist, lektor vid Urbana studier. I sin avhandling i fastighetsekonomi studerade hon olika länders köp- och säljprocesser. På senare tid har hon intresserat sig allt mer för alternativa upplåtelseformer och finansieringslösningar för boende, ur ett internationellt perspektiv. Läs forskarporträttet med Sylwia Lindqvisthär.

Funding for project about bureaucratisation

Congratulations to Patrik Hall, who has received SEK 4,8 million from FORTE for the project ”Bureaucraticisation of public organisations? A comparative study of organisational professionals in Sweden and New Zealand”

Patrik is the lead researcher and the project is placed at GPS/MaU. His co-researchers are Karl Löfgren (Victoria University, Wellington) and Linda Nyberg (Lund University).

Bo Petersson medverkar på Demokratifestivalen

På tisdag är Bo Petersson, professor i statsvetenskap, samtalsgäst på Demokratifestivalen i Lund tillsammans med Per T Ohlsson, författare och journalist. Samtalen hålls klockan 12.15-13.00 måndag-onsdag på Stortorget i Lund inför EU-valet den 26 maj. ”Vi får tre små engagerade och förhoppningsvis klargörande och roliga lunchsamtal inför alla medborgare som har tid och lust.” Moderator är Johan Wester (som också är grundare av idéverkstaden Skånemotor som arrangerar). 

Mer på demokratifestivalens webbplats