Call for applications: PhD course, Introduction to New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Expression (NMOG)

Course for third-cycle education at Malmö University, the Faculty of Culture
and Society.

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to position her/himself in
relation to the interdisciplinary NMOG research area, and correspondingly, to be
able to contribute to its further development.

The deadline for application is August 15, 2018.

Read more about the course here: Call_NMOG_20180522

Litterära verk med vittnesmål från landsbygden

Från 1930-talets bonderomantiska romaner av Vilhelm Moberg, till Bernt Stafs proggmusik på 1970-talet och nutidens blogg med Underbara Clara i spetsen. Alla är populärkulturella landsbygdsskildringar som på olika vis symboliserar sin tids motrörelse mot det moderna samhället. I forskningsprojektet ’Hem till gården’ dyker Ann-Sofi Ljung Svensson, lektor i litteraturvetenskap vid K3, Malmö universitet, djupare in i idyllgenrens värld.

Läs mer om forskningsprojektet här.

Ann-Sofi Ljung Svensson

English Studies student receives Global Swede Award

Each year, the Swedish Institute, The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and The Ministry for Foreign Affairs jointly recognise a number of exceptional international students at the Global Swede Award ceremony in Stockholm. The initiative aims to inspire students to act as ambassadors for Sweden and to strengthen international ties with future leaders. In order to be nominated, international students must show entrepreneurship and innovation in their field.   

All Swedish universities have the opportunity to nominate a student who shows both academic and extracurricular talent. Fish, who is in his last year of English Studies, was nominated by his professors for his A-grade average and role as editor of the transnational student magazine Pupil. 

Read the whole article here. 

Five-year research project on archiving comes to an end

For Malmö University research project Living Archives, the end is just the start. The final event was not just a celebration, but a way to continue the dialogue around digitisation, power and the future of archiving.

Living Archives was started by a team of researchers from very different fields to explore the challenges of working with archives in an increasingly digitised society. They wanted to understand how and why archives are important for public heritage and memory, and how technology has transformed archiving practices.

The project’s final event, held at Malmö Art Museum, included panel discussions and performances, and showcased the many alliances that Living Archives has formed with artists and cultural organisations outside the University. Susan Kozel, professor of new media and project leader of Living Archives, says the event was a way to look forward, rather than looking back.

“We wanted the event to draw in past as well as present collaborators who might be interested in seeing what could possibly come next.”

Read the full interview with Susan Kozel here. 


Nominera till Humtankpriset 2018!

Samhället behöver humanistiska kunskaper. Humaniora behöver nå ut i samhället. Därför utdelar tankesmedjan Humtank för fjärde året i rad Humtankpriset till en eller flera akademiker som på ett förtjänstfullt sätt bidragit med viktiga humanioraperspektiv i samhällslivet.

Vem eller vilka tycker du har i handling demonstrerat humanioras relevans på ett särskilt förtjänstfullt sätt under det senaste året? Var med och påverka med din nominering! Årets pristagare ska vara en person eller grupp av personer som på ett innovativt sätt har satt humanistiska kunskaper i rörelse genom samverkan.

Fram till 1 juni kan alla lämna in en nominering. Pristagaren utses sedan av en jury bestående av Petra Ragnerstam, lektor i kulturvetenskap (Malmö universitet); Sofia Wijkmark, docent i litteraturvetenskap (Karlstads universitet) och Roine Viklund, lektor i teknikhistoria (Luleå tekniska universitet). Alla tre verkar i Humtank.

Tidigare pristagare av Humtankpriset är Sharon Rider, professor i filosofi (2015), och
Mohammad Fazlhashemi, professor islamisk teologi och filosof (2016), båda vid Uppsala universitet. Ida Östenberg, docent i antikens kultur och samhällsliv vid Göteborgs universitet, tilldelades priset 2017.

– Under de senaste åren har vi i Sverige och världen sett stora förändringar som påverkar oss i allt högre grad i vår vardag. Flera av världens ledare uppvisar faktaresistens och en ambivalent tolkning av det som sker inom politiken och fake news sprids snabbt från olika avsändare, krig och våld driver på migrationen från exempelvis Mellanöstern och Östafrika och människor söker skydd i vår del av världen vilket innebär att olika kulturer och religioner ska mötas och samsas. Behovet av humanistisk kunskap har sällan varit större. Humaniora är fundamentalt för att förstå orsakerna och sammanhangen till allt detta. Utan kunskaper om språk, religion och historia är det svårt att sätta skeenden i perspektiv, säger Roine Viklund från Humtank.
Nomineringar – åtföljda av en kort motivering – lämnas till Humtank fram till 1 juni via
någon av följande kanaler:
• Twitter: #humtankpriset2018 @HumtankSverige
• Facebook:
• E-post:

Priset kommer att delas ut vid bokmässan i Göteborg, 27-30 september 2018. Information om utdelningen följer senare.
För frågor och information: Roine Viklund (LTU), 0920-49 16 50
Mer information om Humtank på

Inside the mind of a professor: Digital parenting

How can social media be used to create new norms? Parents of children with disabilities often experience that their understanding of what is considered normal differs from other families’ perceptions. It can be easier to share triumphs and challenges, that may otherwise be difficult to express, in a private Facebook group. In such groups, parents find a community in which the framework for what is considered normal can be expanded. The Facebook group becomes a sum of imagined possibilities. Pille PruulmannVengerfeldt is Professor in Media and Communications at Malmö UniversityShe is also a parent of a child with disabilities. Among other topics, her research explores how social media can be used to support parents of children with disabilities.

The event is a part of the lecture series titled Inside the mind of a professor – meet and mingle with Malmö University researchers. Please sign up to be notified of any changes to the programme.


Where: Restaurant Niagaras cafe 2nd floor, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1 

Doors open at 4.30 PM. Beer/wine/coffe/the and snacks will be available for sale. The lecture takes place between 5-6 PM.

Students co-design Malmö’s parking lots

While taking the course Co-design — Design, Participation, Democracy, five students dedicated themselves to exploring the topic of urban public spaces in Malmö.

Camila Mahzouni, Manuel Siegel, Szymon Sulka, Kamila Wnorowska, and Hyejoo Yoo looked at what public spaces are, how participation within these spaces works, and, crucially, what citizens expect them to be like. As a result of their project, the co-design students created a participatory platform and redesigned Malmö’s parking lots with it, concluding that public spaces can be turned into whatever they need to be.

Read more here. 

To be archived. An event to mark the end of the Living Archives Research Project

Time: 2018-04-11 17:00 — 2018-04-13 17:00
Place: Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmöhusvägen 6, Malmö
open to: All interested

The TO BE ARCHIVED event marks the end of the Living Archives Research Project, but rather than simply celebrating closure with backward looks it aims to be an activation of the project’s many processes, networks, ideas and questions. We have crafted a programme for this event that includes performances, round table discussion, keynotes and the exhibition of design prototypes and art installations. We have also made room for spacious dialogue. Our presenters include researchers, artists, heritage and cultural sector professionals, students and activists. The scope is interdisciplinary and international, with presenters from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Slovenia, the UK and USA.

The whole event is free but registration is required for the two full days (Thursday and Friday), as places are limited and catering is provided. The Wednesday evening opening performance and keynote lecture is open to all.

For full programme and registration

Living Archives is a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and run by Malmö University. The official title of the project is Living Archives: Enhancing the role of the public archive by performing memory, open data access and participatory design.

Öppet hus på Malmö universitet 15/3

Snart är det åter igen dags för Öppet hus på Malmö universitet. På torsdag, 15 mars mellan klockan 13-17 välkomnas presumtiva studenter från hela Skåne som är intresserade av att lära sig mer om Malmö universitets utbildningar. På plats välkomnas de av studenter, lärare och studievägledare. 

Öppet hus äger rum på entréplan, plan 2, 3 och 5 i Niagara.
