Meet a Culture and Society communications officer

Starting this autumn semester, a team from the Communications Department has been appointed to support the faculty with communications efforts.

Maya Acharya: Internal Communications in English
Ellen Albertsdottir, Research Communications and Press
Amanda Malmquist, Marketing and Recruitment
Johanna Svensson, Internal Communications

You are always welcome to call or email us with any queries! We are located on the 11th floor, but we will also be sitting on the 7th floor every Thursday afternoon in November, and you are welcome to swing by and meet us face-to-face. Depending on the question, we will either have an answer for you straight away, or get back to you as soon as possible.

Coffee with a Communications Officer (focus on English communications and education communications)
Meet Maya Acharya and Amanda Malmquist
Thursday, November 7, 14.00 – 16.30 , 7th floor of Niagara

Coffee with a Communications Officer (focus on internal communications and research communications)
Meet Johanna Svensson and Ellen Albertsdottir
Thursday, November 14, 14.00 – 16.30, 7th floor of Niagara

Coffee with a Communications Officer (focus on research communications and education communications)
Meet Ellen Albertsdottir and Amanda Malmquist
Thursday, November 21, 14.00 – 16.30, 7th floor of Niagara

Coffee with a Communications Officer (ask us anything)  
Meet Johanna Svensson, Ellen Albertsdottir and Amanda Malmquist
Thursday, November 28, 14.00 – 16.30, 7th floor of Niagara

Träffa Kultur och samhälles kommunikatörer

Från och med höstterminen har Kultur och samhälle ett kommunikationsteam från Kommunikationsavdelningen.

Maya Acharya, internkommunikation på engelska
Ellen Albertsdottir, forskningskommunikation och press
Amanda Malmquist, utbildningskommunikation
Johanna Svensson, internkommunikation

Du kan alltid kontakta oss med dina frågor. Vi finns på plan elva och för att underlätta för dig provar vi att sitta på plan sju på bestämda tider varje torsdagseftermiddag i november. Ibland kan vi hjälpa till direkt, ibland tar vi vidare dina frågor. Välkommen att titta förbi!

Kaffe med en kommunikatör: Fokus på engelsk kommunikation och utbildningskommunikation
Träffa Maya Acharya och Amanda Malmquist
Torsdagen den 7 november, klockan 14-16.30. Plan 7 i Niagara.

Kaffe med en kommunikatör: Fokus på forskningskommunikation och internkommunikation
Träffa Ellen Albertsdottir och Johanna Svensson
Torsdagen den 14 november, klockan 14-16.30. Plan 7 i Niagara

Kaffe med en kommunikatör: Fokus på forskningskommunikation och utbildningskommunikation
Träffa Ellen Albertsdottir och Amanda Malmquist
Torsdagen den 21 november, klockan 14-16.30. Plan 7 i Niagara

Kaffe med en kommunikatör
Torsdagen den 28 november, klockan 14-16.30. Plan 7 i Niagara

Stort grattis!

Grattis till Patrik Hall som igår för den kommande tvåårsperioden blev vald till ordförande för det nationella Statsvetenskapliga förbundet, SWEPSA.

Läs mer om SWPSA

Malmö universitet hamnar i topp bland svenska lärosäten i en rankning som presenteras av magasinet Fokus. Rankningen visar också vilka forskare som ligger i topp per disciplin. Flera är KS-forskare. Grattis till Pelle Ehn, Per-Anders Hillgren och Magnus Andersson!

Läs mer om Fokus-rankningen

Two visiting scholars and two artists in residence at IUR

Institute for Urban Research will have two visiting scholars and two artists in residence this fall. There will be public lectures (of various formats), a workshop and a screening and lecture (see program below). All these activities are open to the public, so please share with your networks. Welcome!

Public Lectures

  • Gernot Wieland: Speaking of Places (performance lecture)
    24 October / 16:15 – 18:00
    NI:C0542 (K3 Open Studio). Please note that the time and place have changed.
  • Marilu Melo Zurita, University of New South Wales: Challenging Sub Terra Nullius: A Critical Underground Urbanism Project
    12 November, 15:15 – 17:00
    NI:B0E15 (Lecture Hall B1)
  • Carolina Hicks: Praxis is the Doing (experimental lecture)
    20 November, 15:15 – 17:00
    Place: tbc
  • Robert Saunders, Farmingdale State College (SUNY): The Imag(in)ed City: The (Geo)Politics of Nordic Noir’s Televisual Place-Making
    6 December, 14:15 – 16:00
    NI:B0E07 (Lecture Hall B2)


  • Marilu Melo Zurita, University of New South Wales: Urban Underground Spaces: Future Questions
    21 October, 13:00 – 16:00

    Urban underground space development is widely considered as an effective approach to help contemporary cities to achieve urban sustainability, resilience, liveability goal sand efficiency when it comes to service delivery.  We have organised this workshop to formulate question(s) about policy, governance, public engagement and investment, that will further our thinking when it comes to the integration of urban underground spaces into planning practices. We invite urban planners, geographers, architects, engineers, artists, environmentalists, geologists to join us on a 3-hour discussion about the role urban undergrounds are playing in the development of cities all over the world – from waste management and groundwater resources to data centres and critical transport infrastructure. Come and take part in an exciting exchange about urban integration and urban underground spaces.

    This workshop requires registration (deadline15th of October). Please follow this link for more information and registration.

Screening and lecture (in collaboration with MEDEA)

  • Robert Saunders: Screening the Nordic City: The Politics of Place and Space in Contemporary Crime Series
    (More information coming soon)

Akademisk högtidsvecka 14-18 oktober

I år hålls årshögtiden, Malmö universitets akademiska högtidsfest med doktorspromotion och professorsinstallation på Slagthuset fredagen den 18 oktober. Anmäl dig här senast den 4 oktober.

Under den akademiska högtidsveckan håller tre nya KS-professorer sina installationsföreläsningar:

  • Den 14 oktober föreläser Kerstin Sandell, professor i genusvetenskap: How knowing matters – travelling with Donna Haraway through bodies and technologies
  • Den 16 oktober föreläser Ann Light, professor i interaktionsdesign: Shared Planet: Technology, Trust and Sustainable Living
  • Den 17 oktober föreläser Jakob Svensson, professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap: Are we humans or? Reflections on the limits between man and machine in an age of artificial intelligence and data-essentialism.

Den 17 oktober håller KS hedersdoktor Sara Ahmed öppen föreläsning: Feminists at Work: Complaint, Diversity and Institutions

Programmet för ”Akademisk högtidsvecka” fylls fortfarande på, här hittar du det.

‘Feminist Killjoy’ Sara Ahmed to be appointed new honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society

Academia is in desperate need of a transformation, says popular feminist scholar. 

Internationally renowned for her writing on gender and race, Ahmed resigned as Director for Feminist Research at Goldsmiths as “an act of loyalty to feminism”. Today, she describes her relationship to academia as ambivalent. Nonetheless, she is set to be inaugurated as an honorary doctor at the Faculty of Culture and Society on October 18. 

“I left my post as a protest against the failure to address sexual harassment as an institutional problem. I understood the act of resignation as departure – not just from that specific institution but also from academia as such,” says Ahmed.

Despite her vocal criticism towards the way academic institutions exclude women and people of colour, Ahmed remains committed to transforming higher education. To “ways of teaching and learning that are about reaching those who are not assumed to belong here and who have had to fight hard to get here.”

“Feminism does not begin or end at the academy,” she explains. “I think of myself as still working on universities even if I am no longer working at one.”

Her latest study, which she will discuss at a public lecture on October 17, deals with complaints of racism and misogyny at higher education institutions. Ahmed has pointed out that although universities like to brandish terms like diversity and inclusion, they often don’t follow through on their own policies.

“One of the women of colour in my complaint project described her university as a revolving door: women, black and minority ethnic staff enter only to head right out again. You can be kept out by what you find out when you get in. We need to change the structures: it is not about being included in the existing structures.”

Part of the motivation for Ahmed’s appointment is the hope that her strong feminist and anti-racist voice will bring exciting new ideas to the University’s commitment of ‘widening recruitment’. 

Ahmed has been influential to generations of critical scholars, including many doctoral students and young scholars at our faculty. We are very proud to be able to welcome her as an honorary doctor,” says Rebecka Lettevall, Dean at the Faculty of Culture and Society. 

Ahmed’s concept of the ‘feminist killjoy’— someone who refuses to be silent and avoid discomfort in moments of inequality — is especially a source of inspiration to many younger scholars and activists. 

“When I was first writing and speaking about killjoys, I was really struck by how younger generations ‘got it’, got what this figure was doing, what she has to teach us. I have learnt so much from the activism of younger generations; from how willing they are to name structural problems, to talk about capitalist patriarchy, white supremacy and so on. I find that deeply encouraging,” says Ahmed. 

“It has been a joy to have my work translated into Swedish and to come and present my work here. I have also been glad to have the opportunity to speak to feminists and queers of colour in Sweden. You are here; I hear you!”

Perhaps one of the key reasons why Ahmed’s research resonates so widely is the way in which it bridges theory with real life experiences.  

“As a young brown girl, taught in Australia and the UK, I was only ever taught by white teachers. I was tutored in whiteness. When I read work by black feminist writers such as Audre Lorde it changed everything. Here was theory that was generated from experience. Here was theory that was also poetic; that founds in words the potential to make new senses of ourselves, our worlds. Feminism is about changing words and worlds.”

With her hopefulness for the future of both feminism and academia, Ahmed emphasises the need for feminists to reach out to one another in solidarity.

“The more you challenge structures, the more support you need. My top tip for feminist killjoys is: find other feminist killjoys!”

Ahmed will be giving a public lecture at the University on October 17.

Sign up to the Annual Academic Celebration

Read Sara Ahmed’s blog feminist killjoys