Dimitrios Gkouskos: The ideal Internet of Things Experience design process

User Experience (UX) design lifts human experience as the ultimate design goal for the HCI community. Designing for experience requires a concrete definition of the desired experiential outcome, which in turn requires a concrete understanding of desirable user experiences. Further, Internet of Things (IoT) is a new field in which existing desirable experiences are not readily available for use in the design process.

In this seminar we will take a pragmatic stance in discussing what an ideal experience design process for IoT would look like. I will firstly give a short presentation on UX design processes and IoT, and then we will have a discussion session during which we will attempt to identify design methods, and other elements that would make for an ideal IoT experience design process.

Here is a pdf of Dimitrios’ power point presentation (uploaded September 20): pdf-dimitrios

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