K3 seminar with Henrik Svarrer Larsen, senior lecturer in Interaction Design: Engaging design and design engagements
Wednesday, March 16, at 15.15-17.00 in NIC 0502 (Glocal Classroom).
Intro to the talk:
“As newly employed, I would like to present two of my research interests:
- Designerly ways to co-develop caring professions and design.
- Sensuous designs within the field of tangible interaction.
I will address my previous work as well as applications in the making.
Sneak peaks:
My dissertation can be found here:
The designs can be seen on p. 54-67
with demo-videos here: https://vimeo.com/album/3269467
People outside IxD may wanna start with the videos + p. xvii+‘Popular abstract’ p.233-4
The ‘entry points’ listed on page xiii can guide you to your possible field(s) of interest.”