Author: Kerstin Sandell, Head of department at Urban Studies
Dear members of the Faculty of Culture and Society.
I am the faculty’s representative in The Advisory Board for Collaboration. I have some interesting things to share with you, mostly about learning about and practising societal impact.

The Advisory Board, with the support of the Vice Chancellor, has created a PhD course in Societal Impact. I have followed the development of the course from the side and listened to a presentation of how the first round went, and it seems very interesting and relevant. The second round of the course will start in the fall of 2024, so supervisors and PhD students keep an eye on this.
The Advisory board has initiated work on how to present and assess societal impact, some examples can be found here where among others Hanne Berthelsen at CTA presents her work. Resources on how to create an impact case can be found here.
There will be a two-step event where those of you that are interested can learn more about how to create impact cases. The ”Training on Societal Impact of Science” is organized by AESIS – Network for Advancing and Evaluating Societal Impact:
Part I: Online seminar 30 November 2023, 14:15-17:15 CET. Registration deadline: 23 November.
Part II: On-site training, workshop including individual tutoring 28 or 29 February 2024, 9-16 CET (preliminary). Registration deadline: 31 January, 2024 (limited to 15 participants per day.)
The training will be held in English and registration is required. Societal impact is becoming more and more important and will also figure in our upcoming research evaluation. This is a great opportunity to learn from experienced and knowledgeable people.
Other things that the Advisory board is involved in is supporting strategic collaborations (strategiska partnerskap), that is more longstanding collaborations with non-academic actors. We have one with Malmö stad, and more might come.
If you have questions about the seminar/training or want more information about the Advisory Board – please get in touch.
Your representative,
Kerstin Sandell