– A record number of students enrolling! Fantastic for us, and for the students, and also really important for our future! We of course need to continue to attract students since higher education is one of our core tasks and what we have to offer is high quality education in areas and subjects that are really important to society today. And as I said to the University Board, when I had the chance to present our faculty to them last Friday: KS has a diversified portfolio which serves us well right now when almost all universities are struggling, and we are also working hard trying to develop things further (see our Agenda för sammanhängande och gränsöverskridande kunskapsmiljöer).
– A new Öresundsnätverk, a collaboration between Lund, Köpenhamn and Malmö, CEMES (Center for Modern European Studies) kick-started with a conference at Niagara! Congratulations to all of us in this network since it makes us stronger. Seed-money for new research-groups, workshops, conferences etc. If you have any questions talk to Dino Knudsen, GPS.

– A Malmö University Celebration filled with great music, tributes in pouring rain and Fråga Malmö with your own team Kuiz-Stars (we did not win the competition this time, but we had the biggest social impact) and Christian Fernandez in the panel of experts! Kuiz-Stars will have a new chance to win the title during Högtidsveckan when there will be another Fråga Malmö.

Hope that your summer was a bit more peaceful, so that you also can enjoy everything that is going on and that KS will offer you during this fall. More is more is what fall 23 is about:
– KS-dag during Högtidsveckan, Monday October 9. Our new professors, guest professors and adjungerade professors will present their research during the day and in the evening we will celebrate them as well as re-launch the Anna Lindh Academy! This day will truly highlight and make visible how our research, education and samverkan are intertwined and working together!
– KS-dag November 8: During this day the departments will present their/our kunskapsmiljöer and we will celebrate some of our staff who have decided to become pensionärer. Since it is important for all of us to really get to know what we are doing in order to grow stronger and support each other, this day should be in your calender.
– A day/event November 15 organized together with Humtank, Vetenskap & allmänhet and Lunds universitet focusing on forskningsförmedling and samverkan. (see poster-invitation below). There will be presentations of Humtanks latest report, but also a panel. More info will follow, but let me just say that we are really proud of being able to organize this at Malmö university this year. Many thanks to Malmö University HumTank representative Christina Johansson! And also a heads-up, we will be looking for a new person to represent us in HumTank.
– An event November 21 part of Förbjuden Kulturvecka, which is organized by Malmö stad, focusing on Academic Freedom and Artistic Freedom. Our Vice Chancellor Kerstin Tham and our new adjungerade Professor Maria Lantz, K3, will be part of the panel. This event is also organized by KS together with Kultursamverkan Malmö universitet and Universitetsbiblioteket. Since we now live in times where these freedoms are contested in different ways, it is more important for us than ever to be able to manifest that we are an open university.
Also – we are in the middle of the process of recruiting a new Head of Department to US. There has been a lot of interest and many applications, which is fantastic, and we are following our plan so when we have real news you will know. Also do not miss that we also are looking for a new person to take on the role of Vicedekan för forskarutbildning. Apply yourself or nominate somebody!
And a big welcome to our new Head of Department at K3: Marie Öhman and all other new staff at KS – a special warm welcome to all of our new PhD-students!
Take care, see you out there, and remember to treat each other with respect!
Annika Olsson
Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle/Faculty of Culture and Society