The Swedish Red Cross recently published a report [in Swedish] on the consequences of an amendment in the Act on reception of asylum seekers (LMA), which was introduced on June 1, 2016. The changes briefly mean that adult asylum seekers without children who had their asylum applications rejected will no longer be entitled to housing and financial support. Since the amendments came into force, the Swedish Red Cross has noted increased concern and vulnerability among persons affected by it. An increased number of asylum seekers who had their asylum application rejected now contact the Swedish Red Cross for support and assistance. As part of our ongoing efforts to promote a human and dignified reception, as well as a safe and worthy return, the report presents examples of how the law affects the life situation of individual asylum seekers. The basis for the report is local Red Cross activities across Sweden. Read the report here:
In a report by the Brittish Red Cross “Can’t Stay. Can’t Go. Refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned” (by Catherine Blanchard and Sarah Joy for the British Red Cross, February 2017) examines the situation of persons who have been refused asylum in the UK, but cannot return to their country of origin, some because they are stateless. Many such persons live in hardship for extended periods of time, with minimal or no support, and suffer severe mental health conditions and other challenges. The British Red Cross concludes that ‘it is inhumane to keep them living in destitution for years’ and advocates for the government to grant such persons discretionary leave to remain in the UK, with the right to work and access higher education. Read the report here: