We meet outside Anna Lundberg’s room on Gäddan (third floor), Malmö University. 12-15 it is! Bring your own lunch.
September 18-19
GPS Research Days with James Ingram, Mc Master University.
September 26
Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt and Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility Peg Birmingham.
Presentations: Mikael Spång and Anna Lundberg
Note: Amanda Nielsen, PhD candidate in Political Science, Linné University, is presenting her work at the MIM-seminar 14:15 Besvärande rättslöshet – Papperslösa, den nationella välfärdsstatens dualitet och mänskliga rättigheter som politisk resurs (in Swedish).
October 15
Citizenship, Migrant Activism and the Politics of Movement Pieter Nyers and K Rygiel (reds); Nando Sigona (2012) “’I have too much baggage’: the impacts of legal status on the social worlds of irregular migrants” Social Anthropology 20 (1): 50-65.
Neocosmos, Michael (2012) ”Can a human rights culture enable emanicipation? Clearing som theoretical ground for the renewal of a critical sociology” South African Review of Sociology 37 (2) 356-379
Presentations: Jacob Lind, Emma Söderman and Anna Lundberg
October 31
The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum Vicky Squire and Border Politics: The Limits of Sovereign Power Nick Vaughan-Williams; Presentation of “Vi har rätt” by activists Linus Kullving and Maria Svensson.
Presentation: Michael Strange
November 7
Rancière, Jacques (2001) ”Ten Theses on Politics” Theory and Event 5:3 and Krause, Monika (2008), Undocumented Migrants: An Arendtian Perspective1 in the European Journal of Political Theory 7(3): 331-348, New York University as an example of how this is relevant.
Presentations: Mikael Spång and Michael Strange
November 18-19
Lunch-lunch: FAS network “Network on irregular migration and irregular migrants” ethics and engagement.
With (among others) Anna Lundberg, Maja Sager, Åsa Smith, Emma Söderman.
December 3
Are Human Rights for Migrants?Critical Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States. Marie-Benedicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly Presentation: PhD and Anna Lundberg
December 17
Re-Presenting the Good Society, by Maeve Cooke.
Presentations: Michael Strange and Emma Söderman.
December 19
Christmas lunch and presentation of PhD projects.