Call for papers
Arts-based migration research, emerging connections between arts and social sciences
Convenors: Anna Lundberg, Malmö University & Erica Righard, Malmö University. It is not controversial to argue that migration in all its complexity should be studied from multiple perspectives and with varied approaches. In this research panel we aim at exploring migration beyond the traditional boundaries of social science by integrating arts practice as a base for analysis of migration. “Arts-based research methodologies are characteristically emergent, imagined, and derivative from an artist/researcher’s practice or arts praxis inquiry models; they are capable of yielding outcomes taking researchers in directions the sciences cannot go” (Rolling 2010). Against this background, it is relevant to explore what we can learn about migration from arts-based research. We invite presentations about migration that combine arts-based practice (performance, installation, photo, poetry, etc.) with social science analytical perspectives and methodologies (ethnography, visual sociology, etc.). Hence, the panel aims to enhance new knowledge about migration and stimulating dialogues about arts-based research within the field of migration. Migration is here understood in a broad sense. It can, for instance, refer to international and internal migration, diversity and ethnic relations, as well as responses to and experiences of migration and diversity. We welcome contributions with a theoretical focus, as well as more practice-based presentations. This invitation is rather open and might include, but is not limited to, discussions on arts-based methodologies in migration studies, arts-based empirical analysis of migration, and the role of art in social research and in migration. The accepted papers will be put together into coherent research panels consisting of four to five paper presentations each. A discussant will be appointed to each paper presentation. To propose a paper for this research panel, please send title and an abstract (250 words) of your presenation together with your name, title and institutional affiliation to Anna Lundberg ( and Erica Righard ( no later than 30 March 2014.
Accepted participants will be notified by mid-May 2014.
Full papers will have to be uploaded to the conference online system no later than 1 August 2014.