1 week to go…

The countdown for going back to Sweden has started…

All the interviews are done, transcription and coding are finished… I am the moment putting together the result chapter… Realizing how difficult it will be to respect the numbers of pages allowed.  Also reflecting over the ”lost in translation” may affect the final outcome. I have been collecting my data in French, writing the paper in English, and will in the end “defend” it in Swedish 🙂

All together I am very happy and pleased with my stay in Morocco. I have been lucky to get such a privileged insight in the NGO, surrounded by brilliant women, fighting for women’s right.  I truly hope I will be able to make a fair portrait of their organization and their struggle!

House wise… it is great to live in a big house with a lot of different people because you are never alone! The downside… you are never alone. I am looking forward to be sharing a kitchen with only one person and to be able to have some quite time when needed.

I will finish off this input with some pictures from Chefchaouen, the Blue City, that I had the pleasure to visit last week-end, enjoy!






2 svar på ”1 week to go…”

  1. Hello Patricia,
    I am really happy for you for getting a head so far in your MFS and wish you all the best in writing your thesis and in your future.

    Wonderful pictures:)

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